
We all know the challenge of Christ-like living in a totally secularised society. It requires supernatural strength to overcome the many temptations to let ourselves be enslaved, to let ourselves “live as if God did not exist”, as St. Pope John Paul II used to say. The Holy Eucharist is the font of energy to live in freedom, to love as Christ loves, purely and selflessly.

Pan de Vida Retreat enables young people, young adults and married couples the opportunity to deepen and strengthen their relationships with our Lord truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and after having spent a weekend with Him they will not go away hungry.

I thought I would be bored all weekend…I was wrong. I met knew friends, laughed and sang, and I got to know Jesus and build a relationship!

Danny G.

It was so great to be with Jesus all weekend…I feel so much closer to God now!

Elise P.

I went to confession after being away for 10 years! I felt so much better

Jorge S.

Upcoming Retreats